Mining altcoins in centos with minergate

Altcoins exploded in 2015. Minergate is a nice little site that offers various GUI clients for cpu and gpu mining. This is a short little post about mining altcoins in centos with minergate using the CLI client. Currently on minergate you can mine:
Aeon [AEON] (
Bytecoin [BCN] (
Bitcoin Gold [BTG] (
Dashcoin [DSH] (
Etherium Classic [ETC] (
Etherium [ETH] (
Fantom Coin [FCN] (
Infinium-8 [INF8] (
MonetaVerde [MCN] (
Quazar [QCN] (
Digital Note [XDN] (
Monero [XMR] (
Zcash [ZEC] (

Installing minergate cli in centos

Download the minergate fedora CLI rpm in the terminal – type:

wget -O minergate.rpm

if you just install with rpm -i minergate.rpm then you’ll be missing dependencies, you are best to install with yum:

yum install minergate.rpm

press Y to get the dependencies. You now have the minergate cli altcoin mining client installed, and its ready to use.

Mining altcoins in centos with minergate

If you don’t already have an account, then go create one at – once you have the account then you start the client with:

minergate-cli -u YOUR-EMAIL --xmr 2

possible values for the altcoin type are: eth bcn xmr qcn xdn fcn mcn aeon dsh inf8. YOUR-EMAIL is your login on MinerGate, 2 – number of cores. If you don’t write the number of cores after coin, Miner will be mining on all cores. Miner will adjust pool ports automatically, you don’t have to write them.

mining altcoins in centos with minergate

mining altcoins in centos with minergate: cli options

if you just type minergate-cli at the terminal, then you’ll see a load of options for tweaking:


  minergate-cli [options]  

  -u,	--user		account email from
  -v,	--version	show version
  -l,	--list-gpu	show list of available GPU devices
  --proxy		proxy server URL. Supports only socks protocols
			(for example: socks://
  --verbose		show detailed logs

Currency settings:
  currency		possible values: eth bcn xmr qcn xdn fcn mcn aeon dsh inf8.
			For merged mining: +qcn +dsh +inf8,
			where  is fcn or mcn
  		threads count for specified currency

Gpu settings:
  --gpu#  [intensity ] [cuda-gridsize ]
			[cuda-worksize ] [cl-localsize ]
			[cl-globalsize ]
  gpu# 			you can get this value from the list displayed
			by command --list-gpu
  currency		possible values: eth bcn xmr qcn xdn fcn mcn aeon dsh inf8.
			For merged mining:  +qcn +dsh +inf8,
			where  is fcn or mcn
  intensity		this parameter is used for mining CryptoNote-based
			currencies on CUDA devices.
			Values range: 1..4. Recommended and default value: 2.
			When no value is set, the client uses default value
  cl-localsize		OpenCL device parameter 'local work size'.
			Can be power of 2 only
  cl-globalsize		multiplier for OpenCL device parameter 'global work size'
  cuda-gridsize		CUDA device parameter 'grid size'
  cuda-worksize		CUDA device parameter 'work size'
  minergate-cli -u --proxy socks:// --bcn 4
  minergate-cli --user --eth 6 --fcn+dsh 2 --gpu1 eth cl-localsize 64 cl-globalsize 4096 --gpu2 bcn intensity 2

Source: minergate

You might also want to check out how to mine altcoins using xmrig

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