Welcome to Jonathans blog
Jonathans blog is my blog (I’m Jonathan). I’ve been writing posts here since 2008 – in that time I have written about 1500 posts and deleted about 500 posts. On average that’s nearly 3 new post a week, every week for the last 10 years (and 1 removed post every week too). I started recording statistics in 2010 or 2011, since then I have had millions of hits (my highest ever day was 20k unique visitors back in 2012). Jonathansblog contains things that interest me in general. Lots of blog posts showing you how to do cool things with your mac and your iPhone. Things that make using then much easier and allow you to have a nicer experience.
I am a Chartered Information Technology Professional, I have an MSc in Advanced Computer Systems Development, a BSc in Electronic Engineering and an HND in Audio Production. I’m a professional member of the British Computer Society too (MBCS).
If you check the menu in the top, you’ll see all the categories of stuff. Feel free to have a look about, leave a comment, or share a tweet. There are posts about lots of different things, hopefully something interests you.
There is a category dedicated to multiloquent. Multiloquent was a WordPress theme developed by myself using html5, bootstrap and bootswatch back in 2012/13 and released in 2014. The development category has posts about linux. Posts about php and mysql, building websites, WordPress and security are also here.
Music, music technology and using your mac to make and produce music have a dedicated area. The adventure category documents my travels. Cycling trips, walking in Scotland in the summer, drinking beer and other adventures :D
Last, but not least, I have a category dedicated to hardware hacking