multiple git accounts one vscode
I stumbled on this problem early last year, I have a few different git accounts for different projects (eg one for work, one personal, one for this blog etc) Usually…
I stumbled on this problem early last year, I have a few different git accounts for different projects (eg one for work, one personal, one for this blog etc) Usually…
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free and open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It was first released in 2015 and has since become one of the most popular…
A breif look at the tools you need as a web developer in 2020, running Linux on the desktop as a web developer. OSX is my os of choice, but…
Remote Debugging PHP in SublimeText with XDebug prereqs: This post assumes you already have a working xdebug install SublimeText How to get Xdebug working with Sublime Text? Open SublimeText Open…
Remote Debugging PHP in Brackets with XDebug prereqs: This post assumes you already have: a working xdebug installBrackets How to get Xdebug working with Brackets? Open BracketsGoto the extensions tab…
Remote Debugging PHP in Eclipse with XDebug prereqs: 1) This post assumes you already have a working xdebug install2) Eclipse Configuring Eclipse and Xdebug Open Eclipse Inside Eclipse, goto preferences…
Remote Debugging PHP in Visual Studio Code with XDebug prereqs: 1) This post assumes you already have a working xdebug install2) vscode How to get Xdebug working with Visual Studio…
It turns out that coding in php on android is possible (even if its not as good as on a mac, linux or even windows). In this blog post I'll…
This post will show you how to install phpcs and phpmd in sublime text on your mac: Following on from my post about using git and phpcs in brackets, I…