Linux on the desktop as a web developer
A breif look at the tools you need as a web developer in 2020, running Linux on the desktop as a web developer. OSX is my os of choice, but…
A breif look at the tools you need as a web developer in 2020, running Linux on the desktop as a web developer. OSX is my os of choice, but…
I recently saw this tweet from kali linux on installing rootless nethunter on an unrooted android device. This is my attempt to do so. The tweet linked here:…
I have decided to start studying towards a CISSP and / or an OSCP, as part of that I saw an excellent blog post recommending to go through a lot…
Spidering a web application using website crawler software in kali linux There are lots of tools to spider a web application (an companies which are based on this tech, eg…
Installing and configuring the fail2ban centos service fail2ban is a service for linux systems that checks log files for failed login attempts and automatically inserts firewall rules to block further…
What is a WAF A WAF is a web application firewall. A Web Application Firewall protects HTTP applications (eg websites) using a set of rules to protect against various common…
Malware detection on Plesk systems using maldet and clamav Linux Malware Detect (LMD) is a malware scanner for Linux released under the GNU GPLv2 license, that is designed around the…
This tutorial will show you how to make a Raspberry Pi hack tool by installing Kali on the Raspberry Pi - by the end of this guide you will have…
Metasploit for website pentest using wmap. This is a short tutorial on using the wmap module inside metasploit. Wmap is a web application scanner that runs within metasploit. We can…