delete all symlinks in a folder

The Linux find command is a powerful and versatile tool designed for searching and locating files and directories within a file system. It is a command-line utility that offers a wide range of options and criteria, making it flexible for various search scenarios.

The basic syntax of the find command involves specifying a starting directory and defining search criteria. Users can search based on file names, modification times, permissions, and more. One notable feature is the ability to execute actions on the found files, such as deleting, copying, or executing commands.

This cli command will recursively find and delete all symlinks in a folder:

find /your/path -type l -delete

The find command supports complex queries with logical operators like AND, OR, and NOT, allowing users to fine-tune their searches. It is particularly useful for system administrators and power users who need to efficiently locate files in large directory structures.

Moreover, find can be combined with other commands, like grep and xargs, to perform more intricate operations. It can search recursively through directories and provides options to control the depth and breadth of the search.

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