Quick roundup of my mac posts
This is just a quick roundup of some of my mac posts. how to transfer your itunes library from an xp or vista pc to a mac this one is…
This is just a quick roundup of some of my mac posts. how to transfer your itunes library from an xp or vista pc to a mac this one is…
This post will show you how to sync your mac osx contacts to gmail contacts. This will allow for a two-way sync - ie when you add a contact to…
So, I upgraded my ipod touch to 3.0 a few weeks ago and was looking for some decent free apps. I needed one for twitter - I had a few…
Im just doing some tidying up on my site - I have the iphone / ipod touch support (which breaks compatibility with safari - ill need to fix that) and…
I got a new macbook pro. its the 17" one and its an absolute beast. I also updated my ipod touch to the newest firmware. I have a lot of…
Im on the train to london. I left my headphones in my bike bag at the top of the train :| at least the internet works on the train!!! I…
I am again sitting on the train writing this from my ipod touch i have a protools 201 course this weekend at ayr college which I am looking forward to…
Im sitting on the train typing this on my ipod touch! I am going to cycle 900 miles accross europe in about 6 weeks time! I have been training for…
So I decided to make the ipod touch and iphone support better for my site - I have changed some settings that will allow you to browse the site in…