Ethan John Mitchell
Baby Ethan John Mitchell was born on the 30th December 2020, at 7lb 6oz
Baby Ethan John Mitchell was born on the 30th December 2020, at 7lb 6oz
lots of beers to try here! they will keep my weekends fully booked for the next few weeks :)
Snapcraft building arm snaps on raspberry pi! This post will focus on wrapping a python script using snap. Its recommended that you do this on ubuntu core 18, available from…
MetaSploit tutorial for beginners This MetaSploit tutorial for beginners is meant to be a starting guide on how to use MetaSploit if you have never used it before. It assumes…
Building custom blocks for WordPress. Blocks in WordPress are built in javascript (ES5, or ESNext/JSX then compiled down to js using webpack and bable). If you have used react or…
Olivia cracked the screen on my Umidigi :( so I had to get a replacement - I got this (very cheap) Cubot Note 20 phone from amazon - honestly it's…
I was looking for a new screen since the beginning of lockdown, and finally decided to buy this - a 32 inch curved wqhd widescreen - it does 2560x1440, so…