Investigating uPNP with python for fun and profit.
SSDP is an interesting uPNP protocol – devices advertise their capabilities on the network and leak valuable information. SSDP is very similar to http, except its run over UDP.
SSDP clients discover SSDP services using the reserved local administrative scope multicast address over the SSDP port.
ssdp:discover requests sent to the SSDP multicast channel/port MUST have a request-URI of ““. Note that future specifications may allow for other request-URIs to be used so implementations based on this specification MUST be ready to ignore ssdp:discover requests on the SSDP multicast channel/port with a request-URI other than “”.
Only SSDP services that have a service type that matches the value in the ST header MAY respond to a ssdp:discover request on the SSDP multicast channel/port
A response to a ssdp:discover request SHOULD include the service’s location expressed through the Location and/or AL header. A successful response to a ssdp:discover request MUST also include the ST and USN headers.

We can, using scapy in python craft a broadcast packet which will trigger a response from our SSDP enabled devices in our network:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from scapy.all import *
from scapy.layers.l2 import arping as scapy_arping
from scapy.all import conf as scapy_conf
#craft a payload, with M-SEARCH, ssdp:discover for all devices
payload = "\r\n".join([
'M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1',
'Accept: */*',
'MAN: "ssdp:discover"',
'ST: ssdp:all',
'MX: 1',
#send that packet out
send(IP(dst="") / UDP(sport=13373, dport=1900) / payload)
#listen for replies, for 15 seconds
packets = sniff(filter="udp and port 1900", timeout=15)
for p in packets:
if UDP in p:
#print out any results
This will give us a nice output showing some of the available devices.

The interesting field here is the LOCATION (or AL): field – that points us to a service on the device which we can investigate further.
An easy way to investigate is just to copy/paste these urls into a browser:

Breaking down this response, we can see a number of different, interesting fields:
- device > deviceType
- device > manufacturer
- device > modelName
- device > modelNumber
- serviceList > serviceType
- serviceList > SCPDURL
- serviceList > controlURL
- serviceList > eventSubURL
All of these have interesting information for us – manufacturer, model, and some more urls