How to View and Change Remote Origins in Git

Git is a powerful version control system that has become a cornerstone in modern software development. One of its strengths is its ability to collaborate with others by syncing your code with remote repositories. These remote repositories, often hosted on platforms like GitHub or GitLab, allow multiple contributors to work together seamlessly. But what if you need to view or change these remote origins? This blog post will guide you through the process, using command-line options.

Viewing Remote Origins

To view the remote origins of your Git repository, use the following command:

git remote -v

The -v or --verbose flag provides a detailed list of remote repositories associated with your project. It displays both the URL used for fetching (pulling) changes and the URL for pushing changes. This information is particularly useful when working on a team, as it helps you identify the source and destination of your code.

Changing Remote Origins

Sometimes, you may need to modify the remote origin. This could be because the remote repository has moved or you want to switch to a different hosting platform. To change a remote origin, use these commands:

git remote set-url origin new-url

Replace new-url with the new repository URL you want to set. This command updates the URL for the “origin” remote, which is the default name for the primary remote repository.

If you have multiple remotes and want to change a specific one, replace “origin” with the remote’s name. For example:

git remote set-url upstream new-url

This command updates the URL for a remote named “upstream.”

Adding New Remote Origins

To add a new remote origin to your Git repository, use:

git remote add new-remote new-url

This command associates a new remote, identified by “new-remote,” with the specified URL, “new-url.” You can then use this remote to fetch or push changes just like your existing “origin.”


Managing remote origins is a crucial part of Git collaboration. Whether you need to view, change, or add remote origins, Git’s command-line options provide a straightforward and efficient way to handle these tasks. By understanding and mastering these commands, you’ll have more control over your Git workflow, enabling smoother collaboration and effective version control. Happy coding!

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