Install redmine mylyn connector in zend studio or eclipse

This post will show you how to install redmine mylyn connector in zend studio or eclipse.

firstly you need to configure redmine:

  1. update your redmine to the latest version [see instructions here]
  2. install redmine mylyn connector in redmine [see instruction here]

once your redmine is updated and the plugin installed you have to setup zend studio / eclipse:

  1. add the redmine mylyn source to zend studio / eclipse
    • help > install new software > add >
  2. make sure ‘eclipse’ sources are enabled if you are running zend studio
  3. install zend studio / eclipse plugin for redmine
    • help > install new software > select ‘all available sites’ >
    • type redmine > select the redmine mylyn plugin
  4. restart zend studio / eclipse

once redmine is updated / configured and your eclipse / zend studio are setup you can add your redmine task repo to zend studio / eclipse

  1. window > show view > other > mylyn > tasks list
    • click on the little icon (top left) that looks like a page with a + in it
    • this opens the ‘add repository’
  2. you can also get here by going to:
    • window > show view > other > mylyn > task repositories > right click > add new repository
  3. you can now configure your repository
    • click ‘redmine’ > next >
    • enter your redmine servers url
    • tick the ‘api key’ and paste in your api key from your redmine account page
      • [login to your account on redmine and goto ‘my account’ – in the side bar there is a heading for ‘api key’ with a link called ‘show’ if you click this then you will see the api key]

you are now ready to add tasks :D

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