Replace iphone home button
Replace iphone home button: The home button on my iphone 6 plus stopped working, so I had to fit a new one. Unfortunately touchId won't work any more but at…
Replace iphone home button: The home button on my iphone 6 plus stopped working, so I had to fit a new one. Unfortunately touchId won't work any more but at…
Vagrant with NFS and public_network. You can use NFS in vagrant, but it requires a private_network to work; This is fine if you are doing all your devlopment from a…
Tracking cryptocoin price changes can become difficult when you have more than a couple of coins. Fortunately there are a few altcoin exchanges and apps out there which can help…
This is a short post on how to remove unused kernels in linux. I'm adding it here because I use it regularly and keep forgetting the commands - it might…
At work we had a mac mini 2014 that needed an ssd harddrive upgrade. This post has a short video and some info on the process documenting how to remove…