Day 2: pottering about

Today we pottered about. we had breakfast. there are too many things to pick so I had boiled eggs and toast :) zoe had everything.
we then went and sat by the pool for a few hours and I listened to soul on my ipad. I got fried! I had a jack and coke and zoe had fresh orange squeezed from the oranges :D
we then went to a pub and had lunch: pork kebabs and pita bread and keo bear. then we walked back to the hotel via the hagen das shop and got big sticky icecreams and waffles. then slept. for four hours. then we went for dinner. we were headed for a mexican, but they were closed, so we went for a chinese instead. we then came back to the hotel and slept yet again. so far im liking the theme: eat, drink, sleep, repeat :D

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