i will show you an alternative to using stickies and notes. it also allows syncing between your iphone and your mac
- simplenote iphone app (search for simplenote in the app store)
- simplenote client for mac (selfcoded.com/justnotes)
they are simple to use, they sync with each other. its free. all notes are editable!!!!!
ive been using both for a week. this post was written using simplenote, when I had some free time on the train. there are a couple of clients for your mac, I chose Justnotes.
you will need a simplenotes account (you can create one when you open the iphone app) – once its setup your notes sync to the cloud automaticaly and are available on your mac and your iphone – no more mailing yourself todo lists – simply create them on your iphone (or your mac) and edit them as you do things =)