Optimizing Your PHP Projects with composer-unused: Why and How to Remove Unused Dependencies

In modern PHP development, Composer has become an indispensable tool for managing dependencies. It allows developers to easily include external libraries and packages in their projects, simplifying everything from database interactions to user authentication. However, over time, as projects evolve, it’s common to accumulate unused dependencies—packages that were once needed but are no longer used. These unused dependencies can clutter your project, increase complexity, and potentially introduce security vulnerabilities. This is where composer-unused comes in—a powerful tool designed to help you analyze your Composer dependencies and identify those that are no longer in use. In this article, we’ll explore what composer-unused is, how to use it, and why it’s important to remove unused dependencies from your PHP projects.

What is composer-unused?

composer-unused is an open-source tool that analyzes your PHP project’s dependencies listed in the composer.json file and identifies packages that are not actively used in your codebase. By running this tool, you can get a clear view of which libraries are actually being utilized and which ones are simply taking up space.

Key Features:

  • Dependency Analysis: It scans your codebase to determine which Composer packages are being used.
  • Reports Unused Dependencies: It provides a list of packages that are present in composer.json but are not referenced anywhere in your code.
  • Simple Integration: composer-unused integrates seamlessly with Composer and can be easily added to your development workflow.

Why is Removing Unused Dependencies Important?

Unused dependencies might seem harmless, but they can negatively impact your project in several ways:

1. Reduced Project Size and Complexity

Every package you add to your project increases its size and complexity. Even if a package is small, it might have its own dependencies, which could further bloat your project. By removing unused dependencies, you streamline your codebase, making it leaner and easier to manage.

2. Improved Performance

Unused dependencies can indirectly affect your project’s performance. When deploying or running your application, every dependency has to be loaded and initialized. Although modern PHP frameworks are optimized for performance, reducing the number of unnecessary packages can help speed up autoloading, reduce memory usage, and enhance overall performance.

3. Enhanced Security

Each external package you include in your project is a potential security risk. Unmaintained or vulnerable packages can expose your project to security threats. By removing unused dependencies, you reduce the attack surface of your application, making it more secure.

4. Simplified Maintenance

With fewer dependencies to manage, maintaining your project becomes easier. You spend less time updating packages, resolving conflicts, or troubleshooting issues related to external libraries. This simplification allows you to focus on writing and improving your code, rather than managing a bloated dependency list.

5. Compliance and Audits

For projects subject to audits or compliance checks, having a minimal and necessary set of dependencies is crucial. Auditors often scrutinize external packages to ensure there are no licensing conflicts or security vulnerabilities. A leaner dependency list makes audits smoother and more manageable.

How to Use composer-unused

Using composer-unused is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to integrate and use it in your PHP project:

1. Installation

First, you need to install composer-unused globally or as a development dependency in your project:

  • Global Installation: composer global require icanhazstring/composer-unused
  • Project Installation: composer require --dev icanhazstring/composer-unused

2. Running the Analysis

Once installed, you can run the tool to analyze your project’s dependencies:


This command will scan your codebase and list any dependencies that are not being used.

3. Understanding the Output

The output from composer-unused is straightforward. It will display a list of unused packages, like so:

Unused packages found:
- symfony/var-dumper
- guzzlehttp/guzzle
- doctrine/orm

These are the packages that are listed in your composer.json but aren’t being referenced in your codebase.

4. Removing Unused Dependencies

Once you have identified the unused dependencies, you can remove them using the following command:

composer remove <package-name>

For example, to remove guzzlehttp/guzzle, you would run:

composer remove guzzlehttp/guzzle

This command will update your composer.json file and remove the package and its dependencies from your project.

5. Regular Maintenance

To keep your project lean, it’s a good practice to run composer-unused periodically, especially after major refactors or feature removals. This ensures that your project only includes the dependencies it truly needs.

Best Practices for Managing Dependencies

While composer-unused is a powerful tool, it’s just one part of a broader strategy for managing dependencies in PHP projects. Here are some best practices to consider:

1. Be Selective with Dependencies

Before adding a new package, carefully consider whether it’s necessary. Sometimes, a small utility function can replace a large dependency. Being selective upfront reduces the likelihood of accumulating unused dependencies later on.

2. Regularly Update Dependencies

Keeping your dependencies up to date is crucial for security and performance. Tools like Composer’s outdated command and composer-unused can help you manage and update dependencies effectively.

3. Document Dependency Usage

If you include a package for a specific purpose, document it in your project’s documentation. This practice helps other developers (and your future self) understand why a package was added, reducing the risk of it becoming unused and forgotten.

4. Leverage Composer’s Autoloading

Make sure that Composer’s autoloading is optimized to only load what’s necessary. This not only improves performance but also makes it easier to identify truly unused dependencies with tools like composer-unused.

5. Incorporate Dependency Checks into CI/CD

Integrate composer-unused into your continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. Automated checks ensure that unused dependencies are caught early and removed before they become a problem.


Managing dependencies is a critical aspect of modern PHP development. While Composer makes it easy to add and manage libraries, it’s important to regularly review and prune unused dependencies to keep your project lean, performant, and secure. composer-unused is an invaluable tool that helps you identify and remove these unused packages, simplifying your codebase and reducing potential risks.

By regularly using composer-unused, you can ensure that your PHP projects remain clean, maintainable, and efficient. Whether you’re working on a small project or a large-scale application, keeping your dependency list in check is a best practice that will pay off in the long run.

Happy coding!

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