I just took delivery of a box of new goodies from BT.
I got an HTC s620 cell phone.
a new router (which im not using, cos my old ones are better
a SIP phone.
I use the old bt hubs cos they support WDS and I have roaming setup on my laptops so that if you are in the top floor then you use the router up there and if you are on he bottom floor then you use the router down there.
I now have two landline phones, a sip phone and a cell phone that all ring if you phone either my landline number or my sip number
I did have to hack one of my routers to get it working properly though =)
the cell phone has wireless on it too, which is nice so ill have to look for some hacks for that XD
I got all the info that I needed from http://www.jarviser.co.uk/jarviser/homehubindex.html its a fantastic site that shows you how to do a load of cool things – I already had my printer plugged into one of the routers so that I can print from any machine in the house (there are three laptops and this monster of a machine)
all I need now is a gigabyte m912 and im sorted. and some way to get all my documents in the cloud.