“A Coronal Mass Ejection has happened and the effects of that are expected to arrive later tomorrow evening” /me downloads skyview augmented reality star map and aurorawatch UK. Now looking on Google maps and met office weather app for a dark location with no cloud cover tonight. https://t.co/GtYtSSTpjD
The Northern lights may be visible as far south as Glasgow tonight.
We are driving to the Highlands (just) to see if we can see them! We are heading via Balloch, to get fish and chips, then will stop at a well known picnic spot on the shore of loch Lomond, where we will wait for sunset and darkness. Hopefully we can see some Aurora Borealis :) If not, we will still see a lot of stars and a lot of scenery :D

Checking in from Palomino’s chippy in Balloch, the sky is overcast, but there are a few blue patches. We might not see anything :(
After driving to Malarrochy bay (past Balmaha) and eating our chips we waited till the sky was dark (it was pitch black) but sadly we couldn’t see anything for the clouds :(

Hey fella, I’m also from glasgow and work in IT, really enjoy your blog as I have an interest in security