WordPress Security
This is a WordPress Security mega-post containing a lot of best-practice information on securing, hardening, updating and maintaining a Wordpress site.Used by more than 60 million websites, including 30% of…
This is a WordPress Security mega-post containing a lot of best-practice information on securing, hardening, updating and maintaining a Wordpress site.Used by more than 60 million websites, including 30% of…
Installing and configuring the fail2ban centos service fail2ban is a service for linux systems that checks log files for failed login attempts and automatically inserts firewall rules to block further…
If you have ssh with keys for authentication setup on your system, and you use vagrant then you can combine the two to have all your ssh keys automatically shared with your…
Metasploit for website pentest using wmap. This is a short tutorial on using the wmap module inside metasploit. Wmap is a web application scanner that runs within metasploit. We can…
Vagrant with sshfs. You can use sshfs in vagrant with only a private network. This is fine if you are doing all your devlopment from a single machine and dont…
service-oriented architecture and frameworks IntroductionPapazoglou, (2003) organised SOA in four architectural layers: Service Foundations, Service Composition, Service Management and Service Engineering and outlined a host of technologies that could be…
Continuing on from my original metasploit beginners tutorial, here is a slightly more advanced Metasploit tutorial on how to use metasploit to scan for vulnerabilities. The outcome of this tutorial…
It turns out that coding in php on android is possible (even if its not as good as on a mac, linux or even windows). In this blog post I'll…
build your own blockchain application in less than an hour Edward Ciggaar developer advocate IBM I've been looking forward to this one for a while now :D starting with an…