WordPress Security
This is a WordPress Security mega-post containing a lot of best-practice information on securing, hardening, updating and maintaining a Wordpress site.Used by more than 60 million websites, including 30% of…
This is a WordPress Security mega-post containing a lot of best-practice information on securing, hardening, updating and maintaining a Wordpress site.Used by more than 60 million websites, including 30% of…
Installing and configuring the fail2ban centos service fail2ban is a service for linux systems that checks log files for failed login attempts and automatically inserts firewall rules to block further…
What is a WAF A WAF is a web application firewall. A Web Application Firewall protects HTTP applications (eg websites) using a set of rules to protect against various common…
Malware detection on Plesk systems using maldet and clamav Linux Malware Detect (LMD) is a malware scanner for Linux released under the GNU GPLv2 license, that is designed around the…
Multiloquent 10 0 0 Changelog f5ed825 - post format 268d5ef - removing old hings e59727b - cleanup dd08d38 - version bump adb1fa7 - syntax error fix 68555e5 - fixes 089c9f0…
Installing mariadb 10.2 mysql 5.7 in centos If you use the following method to install the latest mariadb, updates will be installed with the regular yum update commands! The first…
Automatic updates in kali (and other apt based distros). There are a ton of ways to do automatic updates in kali linux (though this will work on debian, ubuntu, proxmox…
yum-cron is an alternate interface to yum that is optimised to be convenient to call from cron. It provides methods to keep repository metadata up to date, and to check…
Configuring free ssl certs with letsencrypt in centos Using letsencrypt in centos requires a few modifications to your centos before you can run the letsencrypt client. The setup for vhosts…