Our new house came with decking, but it was in need of a coat of paint. It lasted the inter fine, but was in need of some TLC. Just before lockdown I managed to get some grey paint (our shed is grey and white too, so it should match nicely)

I started painting on the deck, as soon as we had 2 days of sunshine with no rain (to let the decking dry out)

It took a full day to paint the decking (I ran out if paint and had to get more :D )

With the decking painted, I went on to the large supporting uprights (and removed the post-toppers)

With the supports done, its on to the uprights, and they are getting painted white. I should have primed these, but because I didn’t, it took 3 coats.
I had ordered nice steel post-caps, but ordered the wrong size – its lockdown right now, so I cant get the correct ones (and we cant get any garden furniture either!), but as soon as I can get them I’ll post an update and the finished pics

Its being well used with the good weather that we have enjoyed over the last couple of weeks in April 2020!!