I have ordered some things for my raspberry pi, I have a raspberry pi case, an SD card, a mini usb wifi adaptor and a usb cable for power.
Raspberry pi case Pibow ninja coupe
The case I went for is a PiBow Ninja Coupe I like that the GPIO is exposed, and you can access all the ports, but the pi is protected.

I think I might eventually put the pi inside a gameboy case, but I’d like to be able to remove the pi when needed. My initial idea is to use the ninja case and have a slot to load the pi into the gameboy case. I don’t know if there is enough room for that though.

Other things
I also got a 16GB Samsung EVO micro sd card (I have one of these in my macbook air)
I also ordered a cheap 802.11n usb wifi adaptor for £2. Hopefully it works, I didn’t check which chipset it has, mostly because it was very cheap.