OpenVas tutorial for beginners using web and metasploit
This is a basic openvas tutorial for beginners. I will explain a little of how to use openvas web ui to perform a test of your systems. It will give…
This is a basic openvas tutorial for beginners. I will explain a little of how to use openvas web ui to perform a test of your systems. It will give…
This post will show you how to install phpcs and phpmd in sublime text on your mac: Following on from my post about using git and phpcs in brackets, I…
Setting up brackets editor with git and phpcs with wordpress coding standard etc Brackets editor ( is an editor that I've wanted to try out for a while now, but…
Here is a selection of podcasts I subscribe to [RSS] PARANORMAL PODCAST[RSS] Practical Backpacking™ Podcast[RSS] Sasquatch Chronicles[RSS] The Unexplained with Howard Hughes[RSS] The Gralien Report[RSS] The Bigfoot Field Guide[RSS] The…
Jonathan Mitchell Portfolio About Me I have a BSc in Electronic Engineering, and an MSc in Advanced Computer Systems Development with Distinction. I was awarded the University Court Medal for…
This is the change log for multiloquent 6 1 01 11a7be0 psr2 fixes abe3129 psr2 changes 80cbc30 misc tidy ups 00d17a1 tag link 5ea34c5 pagination dd3582f pagination still 9443ffa pagination…
To update to php 5.4 and mysql 5.5 in centos 6: 1) install the epel, remi and rpm-forge repos rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh 2) edit…
Since I released my first public wordpress theme (I have made lots of themes over the years, but have never released any as open-source) I decided I would share the…
I have released multiloquent - the theme I use for jonathansblog to the public: you can get it here: I have a github if you want a cutting-edge version…