My HomeLab
My New HomeLab Gigabyte Brix - 8 GB HyperX DDR3 ram for now (another 8GB on its way) Another 8GB has been ordered, bringing me up to 16gb. I'll be…
My New HomeLab Gigabyte Brix - 8 GB HyperX DDR3 ram for now (another 8GB on its way) Another 8GB has been ordered, bringing me up to 16gb. I'll be…
The data in the Western Digital MyBook drives is stored in a raid on the 4th partition of the drive. Mounting the western digital mybook NAS to recover data in…
The LG 34um95 yosemite resolution bug is pretty annoying. I have an lg 34um95 screen - it runs at 3440x1440 - its a great screen, unless you have upgraded to…
This post will show you how to install phpcs and phpmd in sublime text on your mac: Following on from my post about using git and phpcs in brackets, I…
This post will show you how to mount a remote ssh filesystem as a 'drive' in osx using a bash script, osxfuse and brew. There are a few ways to…
Setting up brackets editor with git and phpcs with wordpress coding standard etc Brackets editor ( is an editor that I've wanted to try out for a while now, but…
M-business Security Threats: Device as an attack vector with mobile devices widespread they are commonly being used as attack vectors Virii While not many viruses exist for mobile devices themselves,…
To update to php 5.4 and mysql 5.5 in centos 6: 1) install the epel, remi and rpm-forge repos rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh 2) edit…
If you want to set a featured image on all wordpress posts that don't already have a featured image set, then this mysql query can help: INSERT INTO wp_postmeta (post_id,meta_key,meta_value)…