Doing some code cleaning and added a foilo section
ive beed doing a code cleanup to make my site more efficient, and ive added a nice mootools coverflow thing for my folio of websites - its at /axel-folio Im…
ive beed doing a code cleanup to make my site more efficient, and ive added a nice mootools coverflow thing for my folio of websites - its at /axel-folio Im…
Yesterday I was securing a server to pass the PCI tests and the Mcaffee tests for a client of our's. We have a Basic iptables firewall for linux that we…
Well. I have to make a new website. I actually have about ten to do. we are making big changes to our system. we are taking all of the code…
I just added some code to put in a default image if there is no video or lead image associated with a post - so far they are only on…
changed social networking icons on individual story pages wrapped a div round the lead story boxes and gave it a min-height to make it play nice wrapped a div round…
I own my own domain ( I own a couple of them) and I have to pay for bandwidth, so I can't afford to host my own mp3 files here,…
well, I now have a way to make tutorial videos, and this is really the last in a series of tests for me, this is the test of getting my video from youtube and generating a page with the video in it, its not yet working properly on the homepage - i need to put an if statement in the code to check if the file is a video instead of a picture. it should be working on the front page as well, and the story should be ok in the categories, but the single page video is borked =P this video is just me running an ableton session so that i could make a video of it and test everything...
Here are some protools tips - how to cram more into your session, and a few shortcuts that I use the first thing is to use a lot of busses.…
Well, I got rid of the ajax, and went on a kind of useability spree - ive made all the links the same color (except two which I am fixing…