OS Detection Techniques
Os Detection Techniques and OS fingerprinting Os Detection Techniques - Background information This is a list of Os Detection Techniques, with explanations for all the active and passive Os Detection…
Os Detection Techniques and OS fingerprinting Os Detection Techniques - Background information This is a list of Os Detection Techniques, with explanations for all the active and passive Os Detection…
service-oriented architecture and frameworks IntroductionPapazoglou, (2003) organised SOA in four architectural layers: Service Foundations, Service Composition, Service Management and Service Engineering and outlined a host of technologies that could be…
Tracking cryptocoin price changes can become difficult when you have more than a couple of coins. Fortunately there are a few altcoin exchanges and apps out there which can help…
Hardening ssl ciphers. I wrote a post previously about disabling sslv2 and enabling sslv3 and tlsv1. Times have changed since then, its been best-practice for a long time now to…
I needed to find all the files symlinked in linux that were linked to a certain file. I had a quick search all over the internet, and eventually came up with…
This was meant to be a post about the different email clients available on linux, and their various good points. but to be honest, there arent any good email clients…
This post is a comparison of the various email clients available on mac osx (and some mac osx email clients and sparrow alternatives if you are looking for them -…
Here are the detailed instructions on syncing iphone notes app and mail app using gmail . This will enable bi-directional syncing: you can edit the notes on any device and…
fairly un eventful. as per. notable improvements / bug fixes: Application Firewall CVE-ID: CVE-2009-2801 Available for: Mac OS X v10.5.8, Mac OS X Server v10.5.8 Impact: Certain rules in the…